Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Wanna Be Tee-dated!

Tee shirts with bands on them. It's a classic style. It used to be you had to attend a concert to snag a tee of your favorite group but now you can go to any Target or Hot Topic to get both modern and iconic (and even not-so-iconic) musicians. It poses an interesting dilemma. Are you a sell out by purchasing your shirt from your local mall store? Do you earn some extra cred by going to a concert and (over) pay there?

Regardless, I wonder what people think when I rock my Ramones shirt. Do they see me as a fan or a poser? Either way, I'm rocking this shirt!

Where can you snag this? Well, I didn't go to a concert so that leaves...Hot Topic.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yoo Hoo! Over Here!

I love Yoo Hoo. I just do. The chocolate flavoring always brings back good memories and what better way to celebrate those memories than rocking a tee with the logo on it?

Well, I can think of a few better ways since this fell into the category "Better idea than execution". See, there are certain colors I can't wear. Red is one. Yellow is the other. When I saw this tee at the store I grabbed it and checked out. I didn't stop and think, "I wonder how I'll look in this?" I didn't find out until it was too late. And boy, the image wasn't pretty.

It's a nice enough tee:

Just not for me.

But I still love Yoo Hoo.

Where can you snag this? Funny enough, I got this at Target. It should still be around since it falls under the "ironic" category that mainstream tee shirtmakers love to market to. It worked on me!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Keep It Simple. Just Do It.

We talked about my anti-logo phase a bit. And let's face it, it's nearly impossible to strut your stuff in a fresh tee and not have some sort of logo or advertising on it. But I always try to keep it simple. You can never go wrong with a basic logo or design...unless it's a really, really ugly one.

But when it's right, it's right. Everyone knows this one:

No words. Just the Nike Swoosh. It tells people I like to party but I mean business.

What the heck am I talking about?

Where can you snag this? Hey, follow the logo to or any athletic clothing shop.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Just a Good Ole Tee!

Today we take a look at how you can take one shirt that's...OK...and turn it into an anti-logo message! I did the phase where I'd put tape over any sort of logo that my clothes had. I wasn't going to be a corporate puppet, advertising for "the man"!

Anyways, I quickly got over it but that didn't mean I forgot that you can still take something that's kinda cool and turn it into awesome!

Take this Dukes of Hazzard shirt. Nothing wrong here. Cooter and his dog, never meaning no harm. But it wasn't doing the job for me. It was trying too hard and no one wants to see that.

So what's a man to do? BINGO! Flip the tee inside out!

The color is good and you get plenty of people asking if you're shirt is flipped. And how blown are they that you MEANT IT TO BE? If they persist you can go into the whole "Anti-logo" thing and now you're not just a someone who wears clothes on your own terms...You're a anti-business maverick!

Not bad for a Dukes of Hazzard shirt.

Where can you snag this? Online is the way to go. BUT the inside-out steez can be done with any shirt!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Don't Be Afraid to be a Tee Shirt OutKast!

I'd venture to say you never knew the musical group OutKast had a clothing line. Why is this? Because they fell victim to an overlooked but essential piece of business called distribution. Namely, they had very poor distribution. I managed to cop a few pieces from a guy trying to get the clothes in stores, but the only place I ever saw them was as Ross...clearance rack.

Sad because the jeans and hoodies were pretty fresh. Check out the tee here:

The clothing line matched their musical stylings, which is to say so fresh and so clean with a pinch of Stankonia! I get plenty of questions about this shirt, namely, "Man, I didn't know OutKast did clothes! Where did you get this from?"

Sorry Miss Jackson, I can't help you for real!

Where can you snag this? Good luck. The OutKast clothing line has come and gone. I don't see anywhere online where you can get your paws on this.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tee Shirts!

Forget the hokey pokey.  Tee shirts are what it's all about!  Brand new or ones that have been sitting in the closet like fine box-o-wine, I love them all.  Take this one:

Simple enough.  Props if you know what movie this is in reference to.  I mean, it's practically calling to you.  The cool thing about this, I can wear this out and get minimum head nods for my choice in tee wear, but a few people will remark that it's from the Adam Sandler not-quite-a-classic Mr. Deeds!

Where can you snag this? Good luck. I got this at an advanced screening for said film and I'm pretty sure wasn't available at any retail outlets.